Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Princess and the Frog Review

The Princess and the Frog was actually pretty good! I was really worried that it was going to be another racist Disney movie but it wasn't! it was very entertaining and I enjoyed it (even though I am 21 years old). Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't a Disney CLASSIC in my opinion. But considering that I expected it to be a disaster, and that now I might even call it one of my favorites... I would call it a success.

My main complaint about the movie it that the story line seemed a little weak. It lacked depth and character development could have been a lot better.
and I had also heard that the movie painted voodoo (which is kind of like a religion to some) in a bad light. but being that I know nothing about what voodoo is really all about, I cant agree or disagree with that.

BUT the music in the movie is by far the best part of the movie. Especially the song and animation for the song "friends on the other side" and "gonna take you there".
Click here to preview or buy the Movie Soundtrack

I also really liked that it was set around New Orleans. I went to NO for the first time this year and got the chance to enjoy the rich culture there (which by the way is like no other place I've been). and at first I thought it was kind of weird that Disney choose to center there story there because most Disney movies are set in fictitious places but after watching the movie, I was glad they did. They definitely showed off New Orleans well and played off of its beautiful culture.

Overall, I would HIGHLY recommend paying to see this movie for two reasons.
One, because it's a good movie! and
Two, because if we dont support the first black mainstream cartoon movie for kids by buying tickets and DVDs when they come out....then they will never make another positive black kids movie again!!!
and please remember that supporting means paying. not bootlegging. b/c Hollywood doesnt care if there movies are good or bad, they just fallow the money....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

CHECK OUT MY GRADUATION EXHIBITION in BROOKS Gallery (2nd floor)!!! it will only be up till SATURDAY!!! There is work up that you have NEVER SEEN BEFORE! and its my best work. so..... ya...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Holiday Gift Ideas!!!

Having trouble thinking of Holiday gifts???? What about a custom gift?! Its the thought that counts!

Click here for examples

Talk to me bout gift ideas!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

MTV Staying Alive

The MTV Staying Alive Charity Track by Travis McCoy comes out Dec 1st.
Check it out!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Video Share!! Beyonce

Omgess... Beyonce looks freaking amazing in this video... Thats all I can say right now...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Backpack project preview

I just uploaded some of my presentation on Coroflot. go check it out! I couldn't put everything on there for safety  reasons but most of it is there.

Monday, November 9, 2009

dang its small world

alright obviously I been distracted this past week or so cause I been posting ALOT, when I SHOULD be doing class work... I chalk it up to super senior-itis...lol
anyways, yall know I love hip hop and like to show love my local cats (prolly not as much as I should) 9th Wonder, Justus League, Little Brother, Koolie High, Ect.... but anyways. I'm a huge fan of 9th Wonder especially. and it just makes me SOOO happy when I see my local cats on ppls blogs, Travies blog this time. and hear my local cats on Shade 45 and Hip-Hop Nation.... that ish feels grrrrrreAT!!!!! OK I'm rambling... anyways check out 9th in the lab....

9th let me know if you need an artist or a shirt!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Video Share!! more sweet animation

This video is so awsome. its kinda along the lines of the T-pain videos...but better (I still love you T-Pain!!!) But I got to be honest. this is pretty freakin great. Especially the end. check it out...
Does anyone know who did this video?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tim Brown On Why Design Is Big Again

I found this on the IDEO site. and its very insightful. for all designers. I recommend you watch this.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Capitalism: A Love Story

Capitalism: A Love Story
you need to see this movie. If you live in the US. and want to know what has been going on with your money, your parents money, and who is actually making the decisions up there.
Educate yourself. this ish effects your life. I don care who you are. this has got to do with YOU.
so watch this movie (hint: if you dont want to pay money to see it, there was ways to watch it for free online... but honestly, its worth the money)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

2009 Miss Phi Beta Sigma of the Xi Zeta Chapter

2009 Miss Phi Beta Sigma of the Xi Zeta Chapter
Thank you so much to everybody who came out and supported the Miss Phi Beta Sigma Scholarship Pageant!!!
and congratulations to Miss Xi Zeta Whitney Brianna Deschamps and the beautiful, lovely, and sophisticated DeLisa Hawkes, and Eboni Christie!!! I had a great time working with you girls and seeing all of us shine together!!!
If you weren't there, you missed out! but luckily my mom and Kali were there to take pictures and some video!!
Please check back later for pictures....

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Video Share!! C'mon SON!

Ok for those of you who knew about this way before me and are laughin at me for just catching on...Shut up....

For those of you out there who havnt seen Ed Lover's "C'Mon SON" skits yet.... Please click below and watch parts 1-6. and prepare to laaaaugh

Friday, October 23, 2009

Julie is in a Pageant!

Please come and support me at my pageant!!!

If you know me, you know I am not a "pageant kind of girl"... but I thought I would give it a try before I graduate... So PLEASE come and support me cause this is a big deal for me and I'm really excited. Plus, this is probably the only time you will get to see this side of me!

Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Time: 7:15pm - 8:15pm
Location: Campus Cinema in Witherspoon, NCSU

The Brothers of the GREAT Xi Zeta Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc are pleased to present our 2009 Miss Phi Beta Sigma Scholarship Pageant.

Please come out to support these young women as they display the true definition of grace, class, and elegance.

***Tickets are on sale now see any chapter brothers or contestants for tickets***

**Ticket Prices**
$3 for Greeks
$5 advance tickets
$7 at the door

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Julie in the Greg Museum Gallery at NCSU!!!

Hello! Guess what!?!

I have two works of art being featured in the upcoming art exhibit at the Greg Museum at NC State's Tally Student Center.
Which two pieces will be on display? You'll have to come to find out!!!!

There will be a opening reception October 22nd from 6-8 pm at the gallery.

The art will be on display from October 22 - December 19, 2009

I'm really excited to be in a art gallery/museum of this caliber!!!! Please come and support my art if you can.

The Gallery is FREE and open to the public:
Wednesday - Friday from 12-8pm
Saturday and Sunday from 2-8pm
Closed Mondays, Tuesdays and University Holidays.

Please visit
for more information about the museum

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

ID Project (Headphones&Speakers) Update

I "finished" my ID styling project Friday. I say "finish" because I still have some more finishing touches to do on the 3D model and the presentation layouts. So I'm only gonna put a sneak peak up right now just to be safe...
The main part of the headphones and speakers are clear.
I will most likely re-do this project because I'm not happy with the direction my professor wanted me to take and my result. He wanted me to approach the project from purely styling instead of function which was hard for me to do with this project. I cant tell you how I wanted it to come out right now but if you know me personally and want to ask me I can tell you in private.

Monday, September 21, 2009

MTV Grant Update

Thank you everyone! I made it to the group of 10 finalists for the MTV grant!
I didnt win the grant but another very deserving artist, Joshua Clay, did! Clay actually did album artwork for Gym Class Heroes last album the quilt (below)
I really like his work so I dont feel bad about him getting the grant over me and the other finalists. You can check out more of his work here http://joshuaclayart.com/

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Industrial Design Project (headphones&speakers)

I started school a week and a half ago. My main class is my ID studio with the notorious Bong Il-Jin as my professor who emphases styling and trend. His classes are never easy for even the best designer but his broken English and comical persona balance out the pain. I'm excited to grow as a designer.

My first project is short, 4 weeks. I choose to design a set of headphones that convert into table top speakers in an interesting way. I've had this idea sitting around for about a year now and amazingly enough there are only 3 product on the market that convert from headphones to speakers. and 2 of them suck while the 3rd is cool but not as cool as what I am planing on making.

- GoStereo’s Tune In Tune Out headphones (suck)
- iHome ihmp5 headphones (suck)
- Jabra BT8030 Headphones (pictured) - (clean and sophisticated but not what I was thinking)

PLEASE Let me know if you have any suggestions of materials to use for the cushioning or ways to make the headband fold up nicely. Or any other advice you have.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Julie is applying for a grant from MTV

Please click the link above, scroll down a little and click "Nominate Studio" in the purpleish box on the right side under "MTV - Track Artwork Collaboration with..."

PLEASE help me out! If you have to sign up to vote, please do and stay on the site if you are an artist because you can win grants from other companies too!

I would be estatic to earn this oppotunty to do the artwork for this project. I relate to this project because I have particiapted in simular service trips and I fallowed Travie's trip through his online blog and was really inspired by it. This whole thing MTV has set up is really my cup of tea. Not only do I think I would be the perfect person to do the artwork but I think it would challenge me to do more innovative and original work. Painting from photos is great but I want to do more out-of-the-box pieces.

Grant Description:
Grant amount: $1,000
"We're offering an exclusive opportunity for one artist to design track artwork for Travis McCoy's global charity single. The track, which is currently being written by McCoy, is inspired by his recent travels with MTV's Staying Alive Foundation."

For more about Travie's travels visit:

Jocelyn Ellis and the Alpha Theory in the Charlotte Observer

My talented and beautiful friend JE was featured in the Charlotte Observer recently. To read the article click here. To see the pictures from the photo shoot click here.
Below is a close up of the shoes I painted for her. For more pictures of the shoes look on my facebook fan page or click here.

And of course please check out music from Jocelyn Ellis and the Alpha Theory
you will not be disapointed...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Backpack Prototype Completed

Yes my friends. It is done. After 3 months of planning and about 3-4 weeks of sweat shop sewing in my studio, the backpack is done. It doesnt have a name or a presentation board yet. But I can officially say that it is done and fully functional. I am going to take pictures of it in use and detail shots of its features when I get back to the design school in 2 weeks but I have these preliminary shots of it for now...

Isnt she beautiful!
BTW for those new to my blog-a-roo this is work from my college major, Industrial Design. Which will hopefully become my career in December... (don't worry I'll still paint on the side too) ;-)

Last of Summer 09 Airbrush

ok so I kinda slacked off at the end of the summer with my painting because I wanted to finish my backpack! Which I did finish! and I will put it in a seperate post. But here are the last few things I worked on this summer...

This motorcycle helmet came out AMAZING. It looks 10 times better in person too because you can see the silver flakes and candy paint in the flames. This was my first time using createx automotive paint, drawing a flaming skull by hand, and doing all the prep work for the helmet myself. I had a friend do the clear coat for me but besides that it was all me! My customer loved it and I was so impressed with myself! I almost didnt want to give the guy his helmet back...lol

And a do the right thing shirt...
And thats it!
told you I didnt do much...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Design Camp

Hello world! Its me. I'm writing from the cod. this week I'm a counselor at NCSU's and CAM's Design Camp. So far its been pretty aWesome.... I've got to interact with a lot of talented kids, high school upperclassmen. I've also learned a lot about the other disciplines here at the COD. Many of my smaller passions have been rekindeled. I forgot how much I love Graphic Design! and how important and dynamic Landscape Architecture is. I'm also getting to find out about the other students that are in the COD and how talented and unique they all are!
More too come....

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Gone Till December....

Today is my last day of summer...My last day at R&R was yesterday. I wanted to work on my car this summer but... time ran out. I wanted to finish some paintings but... time ran out... I really wanted to put some serious time into doing some Michael Jackson memorial artwork but...well you get the point...

♫I'll be gone till December, I'll be gone till December, Yo tell my boss yo I'll be gone till December...♪

Friday, July 3, 2009

Michael Jackson Tribute Shirts

I havent had time to do the shirt I've really wanted to do yet...but here are a few of the designs we have came up with at R&R Customs
Designed by Me!

Designed by (glitter socks) Vinel Brown/Me

(glitter zippers) Designed by Customer/Me

Designed by Tia Nate

Designed by Customer/Vinel Brown

Designed by Vinel Brown/Me
Designs in the making....
To become a poster
to become a shirt
to become a shirt...

And Still More to Come!!

Friday, June 19, 2009


Ok I'm kinda hype about peoples trips to Africa right now because a few of my peoples from the design school just got back from Ghana this week. They toured all of Ghana for a month studying art forms and learning about culture, ect... I took the trip two summers ago and it was...life changing, enriching, eye opening, rewarding, heart warming, depressing and inspiring all at the same time. but really the whole experience was indescribable...which SUCKS because I want to explain it to people so bad but its hard. So every time I find out that someone else has gone to a part of Africa I am itching to hear what their was experience was like in hopes that I will find a way to better articulate my experience and share it with others. and of course it makes me reminisce of my amazing time in Ghana.

Soooo, as I get pictures and such from my NCSU friends I will be posting the most interesting ones here. But until then, please fallow Travie and his adventure through Africa with the Staying Alive Foundation.
You can also fallow travie on twitter and through his blog

Random tidbit, the work at the top of my blog was inspired by a famous South African graffiti artist, Faith 47.

Cool Video

New Airbrush

customer request as a costume for a "old ppl on vacation" themed party. lol
Basball Helment
My first motorcyle helment!
Two Kobe Shirts. first one is for sale at R&R customs or by request.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mos Def's new album "The Ecstatic"

So apparently Mos Def's new album (The Ecstatic) came out 4 days ago.!..!..!.. and of course there was very little press... I have only heard a few tracks so far and I like it. plus it has been getting decent reviews and I mean come on...it's Mos Def! please go and cop it...