Friday, June 19, 2009


Ok I'm kinda hype about peoples trips to Africa right now because a few of my peoples from the design school just got back from Ghana this week. They toured all of Ghana for a month studying art forms and learning about culture, ect... I took the trip two summers ago and it changing, enriching, eye opening, rewarding, heart warming, depressing and inspiring all at the same time. but really the whole experience was indescribable...which SUCKS because I want to explain it to people so bad but its hard. So every time I find out that someone else has gone to a part of Africa I am itching to hear what their was experience was like in hopes that I will find a way to better articulate my experience and share it with others. and of course it makes me reminisce of my amazing time in Ghana.

Soooo, as I get pictures and such from my NCSU friends I will be posting the most interesting ones here. But until then, please fallow Travie and his adventure through Africa with the Staying Alive Foundation.
You can also fallow travie on twitter and through his blog

Random tidbit, the work at the top of my blog was inspired by a famous South African graffiti artist, Faith 47.