Sunday, August 30, 2009

Industrial Design Project (headphones&speakers)

I started school a week and a half ago. My main class is my ID studio with the notorious Bong Il-Jin as my professor who emphases styling and trend. His classes are never easy for even the best designer but his broken English and comical persona balance out the pain. I'm excited to grow as a designer.

My first project is short, 4 weeks. I choose to design a set of headphones that convert into table top speakers in an interesting way. I've had this idea sitting around for about a year now and amazingly enough there are only 3 product on the market that convert from headphones to speakers. and 2 of them suck while the 3rd is cool but not as cool as what I am planing on making.

- GoStereo’s Tune In Tune Out headphones (suck)
- iHome ihmp5 headphones (suck)
- Jabra BT8030 Headphones (pictured) - (clean and sophisticated but not what I was thinking)

PLEASE Let me know if you have any suggestions of materials to use for the cushioning or ways to make the headband fold up nicely. Or any other advice you have.