Friday, August 15, 2008

ready for school

I am ready for school. I know it sounds crazy. but its true. school starts in 4 days and some how i feel like i am back in my workaholic mode. I'm ready to make moves! hopefully this energy will last the whole semester... if its any indication, this summer ive been on and off... so i donno...well see...but i guess you cant always be at your A game all the time anyways right.

I am still kinda nervous about my new housing situation. I was laying in bed last night and realized that I have never had a bedroom on the ground floor. and on top of that my bed is gonna be near two windows facing the road. soo thats kinda scary. and then i was like, ground floor probably means more bugs and stuff too... i'm scared about being safe too... cause there aint no campus police around my house! my bro said that the area right around universities get neglected by cops sometimes bc its like on the edge of two jurisdictions. ugh..