Tuesday, August 5, 2008

new hair do and painting progress

um ok so i cut my hair a few days ago. i kinda like it. but it gets poofy and looks HORRIBLE sometimes. so i have to put it in a pony tail but then the sides dont reach so they hang down. if u see me in person thats how youll most likley see me. but it does feel reallllllllly good to have less hair. i think ill grow it out jus a lil more but keep it buzzed short in the back. anyways heres pictures.

oh ya and Toni told me shes gonna have a baby BOY. so Kylan is gonna have a lil brother.
I moved a lot of my stuff to raleigh this morn. and worked on my painting tonight. heres a picture of what it looks like right now. the stuff at the top is masking film that i folded back to show the painting.
I'm pretty excited about this painting. I went through a phase when i was in doubt about how successful this project will be (and I still have doubt about it being as moving as my ghana window kids painting) but when i look at the progress ive made so far it makes me pretty darn happy inside. its weird how i look at the painting and i have a hard time comprehending that i painted it. I'm constantly surprising myself (uh oh, might be a self esteem problem somewhere in there...) I still have a LONG way to go to being a great artist though. I know my work is good but honestly I think I'm just lucky. I havent really worked very hard at trying to get better and learning new techniques like i should. but thats what schools for!!!

Song I been groovin to a lot: Jill Scott - The Fact Is (I need you)