Sunday, August 30, 2009

Industrial Design Project (headphones&speakers)

I started school a week and a half ago. My main class is my ID studio with the notorious Bong Il-Jin as my professor who emphases styling and trend. His classes are never easy for even the best designer but his broken English and comical persona balance out the pain. I'm excited to grow as a designer.

My first project is short, 4 weeks. I choose to design a set of headphones that convert into table top speakers in an interesting way. I've had this idea sitting around for about a year now and amazingly enough there are only 3 product on the market that convert from headphones to speakers. and 2 of them suck while the 3rd is cool but not as cool as what I am planing on making.

- GoStereo’s Tune In Tune Out headphones (suck)
- iHome ihmp5 headphones (suck)
- Jabra BT8030 Headphones (pictured) - (clean and sophisticated but not what I was thinking)

PLEASE Let me know if you have any suggestions of materials to use for the cushioning or ways to make the headband fold up nicely. Or any other advice you have.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Julie is applying for a grant from MTV

Please click the link above, scroll down a little and click "Nominate Studio" in the purpleish box on the right side under "MTV - Track Artwork Collaboration with..."

PLEASE help me out! If you have to sign up to vote, please do and stay on the site if you are an artist because you can win grants from other companies too!

I would be estatic to earn this oppotunty to do the artwork for this project. I relate to this project because I have particiapted in simular service trips and I fallowed Travie's trip through his online blog and was really inspired by it. This whole thing MTV has set up is really my cup of tea. Not only do I think I would be the perfect person to do the artwork but I think it would challenge me to do more innovative and original work. Painting from photos is great but I want to do more out-of-the-box pieces.

Grant Description:
Grant amount: $1,000
"We're offering an exclusive opportunity for one artist to design track artwork for Travis McCoy's global charity single. The track, which is currently being written by McCoy, is inspired by his recent travels with MTV's Staying Alive Foundation."

For more about Travie's travels visit:

Jocelyn Ellis and the Alpha Theory in the Charlotte Observer

My talented and beautiful friend JE was featured in the Charlotte Observer recently. To read the article click here. To see the pictures from the photo shoot click here.
Below is a close up of the shoes I painted for her. For more pictures of the shoes look on my facebook fan page or click here.

And of course please check out music from Jocelyn Ellis and the Alpha Theory
you will not be disapointed...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Backpack Prototype Completed

Yes my friends. It is done. After 3 months of planning and about 3-4 weeks of sweat shop sewing in my studio, the backpack is done. It doesnt have a name or a presentation board yet. But I can officially say that it is done and fully functional. I am going to take pictures of it in use and detail shots of its features when I get back to the design school in 2 weeks but I have these preliminary shots of it for now...

Isnt she beautiful!
BTW for those new to my blog-a-roo this is work from my college major, Industrial Design. Which will hopefully become my career in December... (don't worry I'll still paint on the side too) ;-)

Last of Summer 09 Airbrush

ok so I kinda slacked off at the end of the summer with my painting because I wanted to finish my backpack! Which I did finish! and I will put it in a seperate post. But here are the last few things I worked on this summer...

This motorcycle helmet came out AMAZING. It looks 10 times better in person too because you can see the silver flakes and candy paint in the flames. This was my first time using createx automotive paint, drawing a flaming skull by hand, and doing all the prep work for the helmet myself. I had a friend do the clear coat for me but besides that it was all me! My customer loved it and I was so impressed with myself! I almost didnt want to give the guy his helmet

And a do the right thing shirt...
And thats it!
told you I didnt do much...