Monday, December 15, 2008

Semester/Winter Break

So not only did I have a ridiculous amount of work to do at the end of this semester for studio but I also had the opportunity of a life time to paint a shirt for one of my favorite artists.... But thats not all....On top of that, Thursday I wake up after taking one of my "I am a failure at life" naps till 4pm in the afternoon to find out that the ceiling above my bed is LEAKING AGAIN. and that the reason I was feeling to cold durring my nap was not only because my house has zero insulation and costs a fortune to heat but half of my bed was wet from rain water that was leaking through the roof of my nearly condemed slum house and then through the second story flooring... Needless to say I was extremely stressed and PISSED. I had slept through half the day before my project was due AND I had to call my land lady from hell and hope that she wouldnt ignore my calls for 3 days like she did last time my ceiling was leaking... which luckly, she didnt and I got the problem fixed the next morning. Though "fixed" is a relative term since the roofers said that the roof is "unfixable" and that it needed to be replaced years ago...
But the moral of the story is that I had a horrible week but I made it through, am stronger for it and God rewarded me emensly as you will read about in my previous posts....

*HARD WORK PAYS OFF. and good things come to those who wait ;-) *

Now I'm off to R&R at Northgate Mall in Durham to airbrush for the x-mass holiday!