Saturday, October 4, 2008

PackHowl Concert

This week was homecoming for NC State. WOLFPACK!!!! Woooo! GO PACK!!! (I love this school)... Unfortunately, this week was also crunch time for my Industrial Design project that I had been working on for about a month and some... So while the IRC and UAB and Student Gov had spent all this time planning awesome homecoming activities, in the end I really didnt get the chance to participate in any of it! which was a bummer. BUT since my project was due Friday afternoon, I did make plans to go to the Pack Howl concert at Reynolds featuring NERD and Common!! If you know me, you know that I love the Neptunes, Pharrell, NERD...the whole shebang, and Common's poetic genius and consciousness... So needless to say I was super stoked to celebrate finishing my project Friday by going to the concert.

Monday: It's down to the last 5 days. Time is ticking. . . I try to plan out my time so I can get my project done on time and still get sleep and food, working out, watching TV or any other type of relaxing was out of question.
Tuesday: the grind begins... I am spending most of my time on the computer modeling so for entertainment I found a play list on IMeem of every song ever produced by the Neptune's or the features Pharrell...about 500 songs
Wednesday night: I had planned to be mostly done by Wed night but of course, everything has taken longer than expected. the good news is that I manage to get about 4-5 hours of sleep.
Thursday night: again I had prayed that things would go well and I would be done the night before my presentation. and I again, I fail... :-( Looks like me and a few other of my studio mates are in for an all-nighter in the Cyntiq room (a dark lil cubical with 6 tablet computers for drawing). the night is characterized by intense working, pizza, poky sticks, energy drinks, malt beverages and unstoppable sleep deprived giggling. lol. (BTW by now I had made it to like song #450 on the Neptunes playlist but stoped there so really focus)
Friday morning: ok now its really crunch time. its 10am, I have class at 12:25pm and Critique is at 1:30pm... the printers arent working... and I havent finished all my layouts... "theres not enough time!!" I start freaking out and go home real quick to calm down and clean up. It helps and I come back to finish and present my project calm and collected (though about an hour late and still very sleep deprived)
Friday afternoon: 5pm RELIEF! ! omgness. I was so happy to be done. I wanted to see the Homecoming parade at 6:30pm but decided that the concert is more important and I'd rather take a quick nap before so i can enjoy it more. 6pm...sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.......
Friday night: Pure Horror and DEVI STATION!!! I wake up from my short nap at 10pm! the concert started at 8:45pm.... I am on the brink of tears... after all week of looking forward to this concert and getting hyped up to see Pharrell, I almost sleep through the whole thing! It still hurts now just to think about it....
I rush to the concert. No time to change clothes and get cute, no time to shower, no time to eat... I just wanted to get there ASAP. When I arrive, its intermission and I find out that I have already missed NERD and that they were incredible.. which I really didnt want to hear at that time. One of my friends got to go up on stage with Pharrell. But I missed it. I missed everything!...except for Common.. which I was really happy about but at the same time beating myself up for sleeping through NERD...
Common preforms and is great! so sexy! so eloquent (but in a manly way) lol. and I get up front to show him my friend Daniel Harris's painting of him from a few years ago.
After the show, Dan gets us back stage so that we can meet Common and give him a copy of the painting he did.As you can see, I got to meet Common! and touch him, and yes, that is his arm around me. lol. I think he eyeing me when I first came in the room...dont be jealous! lol. Dan and I got to talk to him a little but he was kinda tired and sexy--i mean busy cause a lot of other ppl were waiting to see him too. He's a really chill dude tho and acted jus how I thought he would be.

So the lesson is: dont be sad because you slept through half the best concert of the year because in the end, you might get to meet Common!!! lol