Thursday, October 16, 2008

IT'S A GIRL!! Baby Myyah

My best friend (tho I consider her my sister) Mari b.k.a. Alize gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl Wednesday night October 15th at 9:47pm. Myyah is about 5lbs 7oz and has a full head of hair as you can see in the picture above. Mari was lucky to go through less than 4 hours of labor while using no medication, shocking the doctors and nurses at UNC hospital.

Myyah is my third "niece" in the past year and some. The other two being Shanasia Wise's daughter Julissa and Toni Wright's daughter Kylan. Though soon I will have my first nephew. Toni is expecting baby Kameron in December!

More pictures soon to come of all my lil babies!