Thursday, July 31, 2008


so I feel great today but I lost my voice... heres some new artwork...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bronze Sculptor Walter Horak

Check this dude out. I absolutly love his work. You can see it in the Bill Hester Art Gallery on Franklin St in Chapel Hill.

Walter Horak

Sunday, July 27, 2008


i been sick the past 2 days. it sucked. im still kinda sick. i think im gonna go to sleep early tonight and hope i feel better in the morning...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

ups and downs

yesterday I finally committed to living in the house a few blocks from campus. So I feel relieved at that cause trying to pick housing for next year was def stressing me out pretty hard. but now i got to deal with trying to find furniture for my room.

The past few days I have been trying to force myself to be creative and pop some nice art out of thin air for the show Friday. someday I hope that I'll realize this approach to creating never works but today was not that day. I ended up wasting a lot of time and energy with barley nothing to show for it all at the end of the day. I felt like I was going in circles. It was quite frustrating... but this is the story of my life.

Gym Class Heroes - '85
"one move to the next, clocks switch when you least expect and make the simplest ish complex"

I started to get some creative juices flowing as my need to release my frustration manifested itself into images. unfortunatly at that point i was pretty tired and had lost my focus for the night... so ill save it for tomorrow...perhaps for the live painting...

Conclusion: I worried way too much about getting ready for this lil art show tomorrow. and in the process wasted my time and energy which I could have better spent making money or working on my DR painting.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Today i woke up at 8:30am and went to Raleigh to look at some apartments for next year. I think I've decided that I want to stay in this house with some grad students tho. I'm excited and nervous bout that but I think it will be good for me to take a risk.

Then I went to work at R&R Customs in North Gate mall. usually Tuesdays are pretty slow just like Mondays but so far it seems like this week is gonna be pretty busy. I finished my red black and white Nike dunks today (pictures will be put up soon). I'm still struggling with coming up with a design for my Filas that I want to show at the Art Life Style Tour this Friday at the 202 Lounge in Durham! (please come, advance tickets online I am also trying to come up with a design for a white or black dress that i bought a while ago but I donno what ima do wit those yet. I just want to have new stuff for ppl to see Friday.

Yesterday I left work early and worked out at the track until sundown. I was so proud of myself!! I worked myself hard and it felt good to be getting back in shape again. I have been working out once or twice a week at BEST all summer. Which is pretty sad :-( this summer is the longest amount of time I have gone without working out or training regularly, since I got serious about sports my sophomore year in high school. so this has been kinda scary for me but I think I'll be ok. lol.

Hmmm so what else is new... oh ya so I'm thinking about being a professional painter when i graduate cause I love doing Industrial Design but I'm not confident in my skills and I dont think I will get a job. Also, I think I have potential in doing gallery art and it will allow me to be more creative and express myself freely through my art, whereas with industrial design I cant really express my emotions through my products. So ya thats kinda big... I am still thinking about doing Teach for America for two years after I graduate too. which would fit better with my painting career better than it would fit with industrial design...

ok well thats enough for now... tootles!

My First Blog!

ok hey!
this is Julie. This is my first and only blog. I've never been the blogging type (reading or writing blogs). but ever since Facebook added the status feature, I found myself wanting to update my status whenever something slightly exciting happened in my life and there was no one around to tell. but instead i decided to use my status to let ppl know about upcoming events and ect...
anyways... so this is whats going on in the life of Ms. Pitts...