Tuesday, February 24, 2009

All better

Hey everybody!
You will be glad to know that I am all better now! yay! This is my last week of school before spring break. I am hustling to pull my industrial design project together for our final design presentation this Friday. I'm designing an athletic high school and college backpack. This is a unique ID project because I have been working on it since the first week of January and after spring break I will move on from designing the bag to actually MAKING the bag. Usually in ID we dont make fully working prototypes of the products we design. Typically we will make a 3D computer model or a blue foam model of the product to show the shape but we dont make functioning models. So I have had to practice sewing and research fabrics so that I will be able to make a quality book bag by May 1st. but before I get to making it I need to finish DESIGNING it... Wish me luck!

Alternative Service Break
This year I am going to New Orleans to work with Habitat for Humanity in rebuilding houses for the victims of hurricane Katrina who are STILL living in trailers or are homeless. Besides the service part of my trip, I am also really excited to experience the unique culture of New Orleans. I'll be sure to post pictures while I'm there and when I come back.