Wednesday, January 14, 2009

first week of classes SPR 09

Random updates....

The last time I ran was April 12th 08. Since then I went into lazy/depressed mode. I ran a little bit over the summer. and then fall semester I had a good routine going of running at least 1 mile every day...but then it got cold outside...and I HATE running in the gym so that kinda stopped. But I'm tryin to get back on it again.
I started lifting at the athletic facility last Friday for the first time in 8 months...omgness I was hurtin the next 2 days... I'll probably start up runnin again when it gets a lil warmer.
I'm still having trouble motivating my self to work out. Every time I work out I feel great and I'm always really glad I took the time to work out. but I'm so used to having to go to practice every day its hard to make myself do it when I dont have to and I dont have anything to train for. It's kind of depressing actually... but I'm determined to get back into a work out routine and disiplined again. Like my dad says "baby steps!"

I picked up a minor in art and design just in case I decide to be an artist when I graduate. So I'm taking my first two art and design (fine arts) classes this semester! Painting and Sculpture... I'm most excited bout the painting class but I have really good professors for both classes. I'll be sure to put up pictures of my work as I go along... YAY!!!

So apparently Travis McCoy from Gym Class Heroes is now signed to Nappy Boy... which is pretty cool. I was already really excited a few months ago when I heard that GCH and T-Pain were going on tour with Lil-Wayne. It was the perfect combination! and then like 2 stops before they came to NC T-Pain announces that Travis is gonna be part of Nappy Boy... and I wanted to go soooooo bad. but I was tryin to be responsible and save up my monies to pay my ridiculous utility bills.... Grrrr... oh well. next time... I'm excited to see what they concoct together....