of my best friends, could call him a brother in fact, Korry Richards, left me.....
cue water works... ;.-( jk, big girls dont cry. lol
No but really, I felt it necessary to blog about my homie Korry and his recent blessings...
Korry is a senior in Industrial Design who was supposed to finish this semester and graduate in May '09 but his lil over achieving self got a job a
KidsII 0utside of Atlanta before he even graduated! so he was like bump school! well not really he's gonna take distance Ed so he will still graduate in May but he will be working and living outside of ATL instead of staying in Raleigh with me and the other homies :-(
Korry has always wanted to design toys since he got into the ID program at state and he has always been an inspiration to me since I met him. This man is determined, positive, creative, works HARD, and has his life together. Very professional career wise but acts a dang FOOL when you chill with him, class clown all the way.
Anywaysssssssss, I love my boy Korry and I'm gonna miss him but he promised me he would start a blog so we can read about what he's doing.
I'm proud of you Korry! You know I got yo back for life