Thursday, January 29, 2009

NC State Womens Basketball game vs Boston College

Showin my support for the wolfpack ladies!

Tryin to get that perfect action shot...
New uniforms in honor of Coach Yow. Pink and Red.
BC wore pink shoe laces and head bands in honor.

Kay Yow Super NC State Shirt

Kay Yow, NC State women's basketball coach, passed away last Saturday of breast cancer. She had been fighting breast cancer for about 20 years and was a inspirational figure for women everywhere. To be honest, I really hate wearing pink but in honor of her passing I have changed my ways and plan to make a line of pink Super NC State shirts.
Please honor Coach Yow and her legacy by supporting the women's basketball team as much as possible this season.
Also, please support the annual Hoops for Hope event, Feb 15th at 3:30pm at Reynolds Coliseum.

Kay Yow, you will be missed...

If you would like to order a shirt please e-mail at

Sculpture Class: 1st project

for my first project we had to "reinterpret" a famous sculptors work. I was assigned to redo Constantin Brancusi's "Adam and Eve" which is carved out of wood. I decided to recreate it with wire and just capture the contour lines of the form. I left the two blocks solid to contrast the wire frames because they are important in Brancusi's sculptures.
Still life painting: Session 2, 3 and 4
Sorry I meant to put these up as I went along but I was pretty busy this week.

Session 3

Session 4

Items in painting: Track jersey, track shoe, bracelet from Ghana, necklace a little girl gave me in DR, rubber orphanage outreach bracelet, fossil watch my brother gave me for my 14th b-day and a jewelery gift box I got from Toni's wedding.

So far I've spent 22 hours on this piece but I'm still not done yet. I probably have 1 or 2 more sessions till I'll be happy with it but this is how I presented it for critique.

My first painting class critique!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Still life painting. Session 1
Proff told us to start light...
Soon to be my next masterpiece?... hmm... might be....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Video Share!!

I thought this video was hot not jus cause I love doin portraits. making out faces with weird objects isn't anything new but I like how they made the process of building the face go with the music and changed views in the verse. Simple. but very good. I like...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

first week of classes SPR 09

Random updates....

The last time I ran was April 12th 08. Since then I went into lazy/depressed mode. I ran a little bit over the summer. and then fall semester I had a good routine going of running at least 1 mile every day...but then it got cold outside...and I HATE running in the gym so that kinda stopped. But I'm tryin to get back on it again.
I started lifting at the athletic facility last Friday for the first time in 8 months...omgness I was hurtin the next 2 days... I'll probably start up runnin again when it gets a lil warmer.
I'm still having trouble motivating my self to work out. Every time I work out I feel great and I'm always really glad I took the time to work out. but I'm so used to having to go to practice every day its hard to make myself do it when I dont have to and I dont have anything to train for. It's kind of depressing actually... but I'm determined to get back into a work out routine and disiplined again. Like my dad says "baby steps!"

I picked up a minor in art and design just in case I decide to be an artist when I graduate. So I'm taking my first two art and design (fine arts) classes this semester! Painting and Sculpture... I'm most excited bout the painting class but I have really good professors for both classes. I'll be sure to put up pictures of my work as I go along... YAY!!!

So apparently Travis McCoy from Gym Class Heroes is now signed to Nappy Boy... which is pretty cool. I was already really excited a few months ago when I heard that GCH and T-Pain were going on tour with Lil-Wayne. It was the perfect combination! and then like 2 stops before they came to NC T-Pain announces that Travis is gonna be part of Nappy Boy... and I wanted to go soooooo bad. but I was tryin to be responsible and save up my monies to pay my ridiculous utility bills.... Grrrr... oh well. next time... I'm excited to see what they concoct together....

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Korry Richards is my hero of my best friends, could call him a brother in fact, Korry Richards, left me.....
cue water works... ;.-( jk, big girls dont cry. lol
No but really, I felt it necessary to blog about my homie Korry and his recent blessings...

Korry is a senior in Industrial Design who was supposed to finish this semester and graduate in May '09 but his lil over achieving self got a job a KidsII 0utside of Atlanta before he even graduated! so he was like bump school! well not really he's gonna take distance Ed so he will still graduate in May but he will be working and living outside of ATL instead of staying in Raleigh with me and the other homies :-(

Korry has always wanted to design toys since he got into the ID program at state and he has always been an inspiration to me since I met him. This man is determined, positive, creative, works HARD, and has his life together. Very professional career wise but acts a dang FOOL when you chill with him, class clown all the way.

Anywaysssssssss, I love my boy Korry and I'm gonna miss him but he promised me he would start a blog so we can read about what he's doing.

I'm proud of you Korry! You know I got yo back for life

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

whose world is this? (the world is yours!)
its mine, its mine, its mine...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Donatello my pet Turtle

"I'm runnin this, and I can jump the hurdles. I feel like I am racing a bunch of little turtles..."

Well my turtle's not so little any more. He's out grown his note card...his shell is about 4 inches long now. It seems like his head and arm are still as big as they were when he was a baby tho. He was so cute when he had that itty bitty shell and that big head. lol

Bigger turtles need bigger tanks...u can get a sense for the scale by his lil step cave thing which is in both pictures.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Eve

Me and Sofia before we went out new years eve.
Sofia saw this dress at Bebe and was like "oh yay I'm excited! I wanna wear a dress tonight too, you should get this dress and we will both go out in sexy dresses tonight!" and so I was like yay ok cool. and so I bought the dress and LOOK WHAT SHE DID!! she wore jeans and a long sleave shirt cause she said it was "too cold"....ugh....