Thursday, September 25, 2008

Julie's going to New Orleans!

NC State has a program called Alternative Service Break (ASB). It started out as Alternative Spring Break. Basically the program gives students an opportunity to spend their vacation traveling to new places inside and outside the country but instead of parting, getting drunk and wasting money on finding things to do at the beach for a week, students are involved in a variety of different service projects that not only let students give back to the local communities but also engage with the local people and culture in ways that are more difficult for the average college tourist.

The past two years years I was blessed with the opportunity to travel to the Dominican Republic for spring break and volunteer with the Orphanage Outreach Program in Monte Christi. I wont try to fully describe my experiences from my two trips but I will say that they were two of the most incredible and life changing weeks I've ever had and that I cannot imagine givin up those experiences, memories, and friends I made on those two trips for anything else. (and yes, it was worth the money). If you have an opportunity to do and Alternative Service Break I would HIGHLY encourage it. and I GUARANTEE you will not regret it...

Anyways, this year I was chosen to travel with the Hurricane Katrina relief team to NEW ORLEANS!!!!! I originally wanted to go Belize with the Environmental service group but instead I'm finally going to travel inside the country for a change... It didnt make since to go everywhere in the world when I hadnt explored a lot of places inside the US yet. From what I have heard, New Orleans has so much unique culture that when you are there you dont feel like you are still in the US. I had to experience this for myself. And of course I am excited to serve the people of New Orleans who STILL (yes still) have not be able to fully rebuild their homes, schools, churches, ect... (while somehow the touristy french district is just fine)...
If you didnt know, Hurricane Katrina was the most financially and mortally devastating natural disaster in all of US History. Yet in my opinon, it has not been responded to as if it were...

To prepare for the trip, me and my other team members will meet once a month until spring break to plan and get to know each other.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

updates on life

Shoes I just finished for my lil sister Taylor Tate. her birthday was the 12th. 
I spent way too much time on these instead of doing school work. But my lil clone was worth it!

Heres a cannon I made in my 3D game design class for the Queen Annes Revenge 3D model replica project

The roof on my house was leaking two weeks ago. we have a two story house and I live on the 1st floor yet somehow the roof leak came all the way down through the floor and onto my bed... and to top it off, I found out about the leak the night that hurricane Hanna was coming through.  and guess whose phone was off the WHOLE night AND the next day? yes thats right, my land lady's.  it took her 5 days to send someone over to patch up a simple hole on the roof. so while i waited for her to get her ish together i decided to make something to divert the water away from my bed, because I couldn't move it, and into a bucket on the floor next to my bed. This is what it looked

and then like a week later she had the nerve to call one of my room mates and yell at her AND her mother for not cutting the grass the day she wanted the grass cut... meanwhile she STILL hasnt fixed the two large holes in my and my roommates closets or hauled off the huge fridge on our back porch or extra cabinet in our dinning area which she said she would do over a MONTH ago...
ahh the joys of renting a house from a slum lord...

Photo.Conscious Photo Shoot event:
Modeling - Peace Love and Bull City Shirt - Bull City Clothing Inc.