Sunday, February 7, 2010

MUST SEE ***The Black List*** HBO

The Black List Vol. 1-3 on HBO on demand is probably one of the best documentaries I've ever seen...
Perfect for black history month.
I don't really know how to discribe how good this program is without sounding corny or cliche...
I don't know what to say to convince you (yes you!) that you should watch this or at least parts of it, no matter what race you are or how much you think you already know about African-Americans.

All I can say should watch this...

There are a few of the full interviews on youtube but most of whats on youtube are just 1 minute trailers. I put some of the full interviews that I liked below.

Please share this with as many people as you can.

Trailer for The Black List Vol 2

Some of the full interviews that I really liked but couldnt find on youtube were: 
Al Sharpton
Susan Rice
Suzan Lori Parks