Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Princess and the Frog Review

The Princess and the Frog was actually pretty good! I was really worried that it was going to be another racist Disney movie but it wasn't! it was very entertaining and I enjoyed it (even though I am 21 years old). Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't a Disney CLASSIC in my opinion. But considering that I expected it to be a disaster, and that now I might even call it one of my favorites... I would call it a success.

My main complaint about the movie it that the story line seemed a little weak. It lacked depth and character development could have been a lot better.
and I had also heard that the movie painted voodoo (which is kind of like a religion to some) in a bad light. but being that I know nothing about what voodoo is really all about, I cant agree or disagree with that.

BUT the music in the movie is by far the best part of the movie. Especially the song and animation for the song "friends on the other side" and "gonna take you there".
Click here to preview or buy the Movie Soundtrack

I also really liked that it was set around New Orleans. I went to NO for the first time this year and got the chance to enjoy the rich culture there (which by the way is like no other place I've been). and at first I thought it was kind of weird that Disney choose to center there story there because most Disney movies are set in fictitious places but after watching the movie, I was glad they did. They definitely showed off New Orleans well and played off of its beautiful culture.

Overall, I would HIGHLY recommend paying to see this movie for two reasons.
One, because it's a good movie! and
Two, because if we dont support the first black mainstream cartoon movie for kids by buying tickets and DVDs when they come out....then they will never make another positive black kids movie again!!!
and please remember that supporting means paying. not bootlegging. b/c Hollywood doesnt care if there movies are good or bad, they just fallow the money....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

CHECK OUT MY GRADUATION EXHIBITION in BROOKS Gallery (2nd floor)!!! it will only be up till SATURDAY!!! There is work up that you have NEVER SEEN BEFORE! and its my best work. so..... ya...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Holiday Gift Ideas!!!

Having trouble thinking of Holiday gifts???? What about a custom gift?! Its the thought that counts!

Click here for examples

Talk to me bout gift ideas!!!