Monday, November 30, 2009

MTV Staying Alive

The MTV Staying Alive Charity Track by Travis McCoy comes out Dec 1st.
Check it out!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Video Share!! Beyonce

Omgess... Beyonce looks freaking amazing in this video... Thats all I can say right now...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Backpack project preview

I just uploaded some of my presentation on Coroflot. go check it out! I couldn't put everything on there for safety  reasons but most of it is there.

Monday, November 9, 2009

dang its small world

alright obviously I been distracted this past week or so cause I been posting ALOT, when I SHOULD be doing class work... I chalk it up to super
anyways, yall know I love hip hop and like to show love my local cats (prolly not as much as I should) 9th Wonder, Justus League, Little Brother, Koolie High, Ect.... but anyways. I'm a huge fan of 9th Wonder especially. and it just makes me SOOO happy when I see my local cats on ppls blogs, Travies blog this time. and hear my local cats on Shade 45 and Hip-Hop Nation.... that ish feels grrrrrreAT!!!!! OK I'm rambling... anyways check out 9th in the lab....

9th let me know if you need an artist or a shirt!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Video Share!! more sweet animation

This video is so awsome. its kinda along the lines of the T-pain videos...but better (I still love you T-Pain!!!) But I got to be honest. this is pretty freakin great. Especially the end. check it out...
Does anyone know who did this video?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tim Brown On Why Design Is Big Again

I found this on the IDEO site. and its very insightful. for all designers. I recommend you watch this.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Capitalism: A Love Story

Capitalism: A Love Story
you need to see this movie. If you live in the US. and want to know what has been going on with your money, your parents money, and who is actually making the decisions up there.
Educate yourself. this ish effects your life. I don care who you are. this has got to do with YOU.
so watch this movie (hint: if you dont want to pay money to see it, there was ways to watch it for free online... but honestly, its worth the money)