Tuesday, September 22, 2009

ID Project (Headphones&Speakers) Update

I "finished" my ID styling project Friday. I say "finish" because I still have some more finishing touches to do on the 3D model and the presentation layouts. So I'm only gonna put a sneak peak up right now just to be safe...
The main part of the headphones and speakers are clear.
I will most likely re-do this project because I'm not happy with the direction my professor wanted me to take and my result. He wanted me to approach the project from purely styling instead of function which was hard for me to do with this project. I cant tell you how I wanted it to come out right now but if you know me personally and want to ask me I can tell you in private.

Monday, September 21, 2009

MTV Grant Update

Thank you everyone! I made it to the group of 10 finalists for the MTV grant!
I didnt win the grant but another very deserving artist, Joshua Clay, did! Clay actually did album artwork for Gym Class Heroes last album the quilt (below)
I really like his work so I dont feel bad about him getting the grant over me and the other finalists. You can check out more of his work here http://joshuaclayart.com/