Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Design Camp

Hello world! Its me. I'm writing from the cod. this week I'm a counselor at NCSU's and CAM's Design Camp. So far its been pretty aWesome.... I've got to interact with a lot of talented kids, high school upperclassmen. I've also learned a lot about the other disciplines here at the COD. Many of my smaller passions have been rekindeled. I forgot how much I love Graphic Design! and how important and dynamic Landscape Architecture is. I'm also getting to find out about the other students that are in the COD and how talented and unique they all are!
More too come....

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Gone Till December....

Today is my last day of summer...My last day at R&R was yesterday. I wanted to work on my car this summer but... time ran out. I wanted to finish some paintings but... time ran out... I really wanted to put some serious time into doing some Michael Jackson memorial artwork but...well you get the point...

♫I'll be gone till December, I'll be gone till December, Yo tell my boss yo I'll be gone till December...♪

Friday, July 3, 2009

Michael Jackson Tribute Shirts

I havent had time to do the shirt I've really wanted to do yet...but here are a few of the designs we have came up with at R&R Customs
Designed by Me!

Designed by (glitter socks) Vinel Brown/Me

(glitter zippers) Designed by Customer/Me

Designed by Tia Nate

Designed by Customer/Vinel Brown

Designed by Vinel Brown/Me
Designs in the making....
To become a poster
to become a shirt
to become a shirt...

And Still More to Come!!