Monday, April 13, 2009


Hey I'm sorry guys, I've been neglecting the blog a bit. I know. but I'm getting really busy and really stressed...
But here's what you've missed....
  • Pan-Afrikan festival at NC State was 2 weeks ago. I enojoyed what I could of it...
  • I went to New Orleans again for IDSA southern district conference. It was GREAT but the drive SUCKED! (there was also a pirate convention in NO at the same time which made bourbon st just that much more interesting...)
  • UNC destroyed MS in the final NCAA championship game...and I was on Franklin St in Chapel Hill...

  • AADSA sponsored a special open dialogue event with African American Design professionals from the area called 5D. It was super informative and enlightening. Thank you Ariana, Brittany and Ms Motley!
  • MY BIRTHDAY!!! was Thursday April 9th! so of course I celebrated till the 12th... But dont worry, I didnt celebrate how you would expect most people to celebrate their 21st birthday. Nope, I decided to do what I wanted to do, which was NOTHING AT ALL!!! Well not nothing nothing. but basically I didnt want to plan anything and just chill out...(I mean ideally I wanted to rent a limo and have all my friends ride around in it for a few hours but it was going to take too much planning and money...soooo I decided to save that for when school gets out and instead just keep it simple).....On friday my boyfriend took me out to a really nice sushi place. Then Saturday night I invited all my friends to the Carolina Ale House to just hang out. and then Sunday night I volunteered myself to be a live body art model for an event called Nappy Luv, a party with a cause. I was painted by Victor Knight, an extremly talented local graffiti artist (more pictures to come soon)..... So overall my weekend was filled with good food, people, art, and music!!!
  • in all the comotion...I STILL havent seen the monsters vs aliens movie which me and my bf wanted to go see or the new Fast & Furious movie :-( ... (which my bf refuses to go see lol)

  • THIS WEEK I have to continue to play ketchup in classes and get ready for a small fashion show next week...Facebook event invite
Krush Groove Alliance Fashion Show
Monday April 20th @ 1pm in the Brickyard at NCSU

Featuring JP Airbrush & Design, Illusion Brand (Garry Atkinson), Lussuoso Custom Jewelry (Johnaustin Chapman), and Black Random (Hakeem Atkinson).