Monday, March 30, 2009

Sculpture Class head studies
this is my sculpture of my classmate David
This is David, the guy I was making a sculpture of.
This is David's sculpture of me... with out hair.
this is another guys sculpture that I really liked

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Charity Water

Got to show love.......

"In 2008, Ms. Ellis won a Charlotte Music Award, collaborated with a grammy-award winning producer, performed in Spain, opened for several celebrity recording artists such as Cassidy, was chosen as one of NABFEME's Women Who Jam and was on the ArtLifestyle tour sponsored by VitaminEnergy. To name just a few of her accolades.
In 2009 she has sold-out shows all over the region upon her return from over seas, opened for Chrisette Michele, Nikki Giovanni, New Sony BMG artist Noel Gourdin, has a show coming up with VH1's Amanda Diva and 9th Wonder. Also, Jocelyn Ellis will drop a new compilation with band The Alpha Theory very soon!

Become a fan and be a part of the 2009 year of Jocelyn Ellis' road to stardom. Keep up with music, videos, pictures and events of the brilliant vocalist that has created international buzz."

And check out her NEWST tracks on her website...

You can also search for more Jocelyn Ellis videos on YouTube. but personally, I really recommend that you check her out live and in the flesh... which you will have the chance to do so next month at the two Nappy Luv events...

April 11th - NappyLuv @ Hartz Witzen Gallery, Charlotte, NC
April 12th - NappyLuv w/9th Wonder @ Lincoln Theater, Raleigh, NC

Monday, March 23, 2009

T-Pain Video Hotnesssssssssssss

If you donno... I love T-Pain... and even more, I love his videos...and feel the need to share them with you...
Please watch his newest video "Freeze" and make sure you click the "HQ" button next to the volume control button before u start the video.....


N while I'm talkin bout T-Pain videos...I know almost everyone has seen this video already but if you are not offended by the this video too...
The Lonely Island ft. T-Pain - Im On A Boat (SNL) [Official Video]
These guys are hilarious

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Self-Portrait Finished!

Self portrait I did for basic painting class. It took me 18 hours to finish but most import is that I actually FINISHED IT ON TIME!!! I'm really proud of myself! (cept I still need to go in an fix a few minor details...but overall its pretty much done)

Yay!!! give me feedback on what I could improve please!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Art Classes Progress

Plaster sculpture for sculpture class...assignment was supposed to be something abstract and flowing... this is it still lookin pretty rough. I'm gonna sand it and paint it and then post some more pictures

Self portrait for painting class... I still have a long way to go. but this is after 6 hours and then 9.5 hours.

Monday, March 9, 2009

JP Design & Airbrush - Facebook Fan Page!!

Join my fan page to receive updates and information about my art.

Also, those who are fans of my page will have an opportunity to WIN A FREE CUSTOM WORK OF ART of his or her choice, THIS SUMMER!

That's right! If you've been dying to get something custom but because of the economy, haven't had the extra money to do so, this is your chance! So add me today!

Visit My Page and Click "Become a Fan"!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


So basically what I learned on this tour was that the disaster was mostly man made because the levees werent done right. I also learned that the gov't turned down alot of aid from other countries after Katrina hit, many people made a lot of money off selling FEMA trailers and taking advantage of peoples desperation, and that even after 3 years the gov't still hasnt done much to restore peoples homes, but they did fix the tourist areas so it looks like nothing happened. It took 5 days for the gov't to get people food and water who were in the convention center or super dome. and even longer for search teams to rescue ppl trapped in their homes.
When buses finally did come to take people out of the city, families were split up onto different buses and sent to all different corners of the nation. People had no way of knowing where their family members were going or how to contact them so they could get back together.
People left with nothing. All important documents had been destroyed, birth certificates, dental records, anything in a bank security deposit box, ect. All their old photos and memories were gone. and even for personal items that were not destroyed by the water or swept away in the current where not always easy to recover later. It took people weeks to be able to make a trip back to their houses in NO. Some people still havent been able to come back. and for those who could make the journy, there was no garuentee their homes were safe enough to enter and retrieve personal possesions or that their homes hadnt been looted.

Katrina and the broken levees caused the most damage to property in American history.

The people who lived in New Orleans suffered more than most people when they lost their homes and jobs because many NO families all lived close together in the same neighborhoods. So while for the typical family who looses everything to a natural disaster can be taken in by another branch of the family until they get back on their feet, a NO family would have no one to turn to because every branch of their family had lost their homes and jobs also.

Think about loosing your home and what a home really means to people. People work their whole lives to pay for or build their homes. Home is a sense of pride and security. It's a foundation (no pun intdended) on which you build your family and life. Home is where the heart is. For the people of NO, there was heart all around their homes. Family's lived in tight knit communities and neighborhoods. Many people havnet come back to NO because their friends and nieghboors cant move back and because there are no stores yet. and because people havent moved back yet, corporate owned businesses wont come back. So it's a catch 22.

***I'll say more later***

Thibidoux is where we spent most of the week doin work with Bayou Area Habitat for Humanity

***I'll say more on the service part later too***

I uploaded some pictures on picasa.... here are the links
09-02-28 First night in New Orleans! Spring Break Serivce Trip

09-03-01 New Orleans

09-03-01 Katrina damage tour

09-03-02 Workin in Thibidoux baby!

09-03 New Orleans Artwork